Tuesday 22 February 2011

Taemin - spazzing 2

Fortunately enough, I had a Taemin dream last night. Good thing I didn't forget it. It kept going on and on on my mind. So then, I made up my mind that I was gonna spazz about Taemin tonight but then I saw this random video of Minho being ridiculously cute, aegyoing all over the place that I just died then and there. So I had a little internal conflict, Minho or Taemin?

Ok, you win. :3

The Taemin dream was so stuck on my mind that on my way to school, when Get It played, I'm just *faint
I only temporarily got it out of my mind during my first and second class. And since we didn't have class in my 3rd subject, I went to the library.

While at the library, I was passing time and working on Introduction to CW homework. I decided to use  a scene from P.S. I Love You. Bla bla bla writing down descriptions of the scene. Then I paused, staring blankly at nowhere. Thinking, "What shall happen next, what?" Taemin entered ME my mind. It would be really cool if we were like dating, and he studies in my school, too. Then maybe I won't be sitting alone in this stupid for-one-person-only desk. I would be on a longer table with Taemin somewhere at the back part of the library. I would be reading something, or trying to read for that matter. Taemin's hand around my waist while staring at me intently while I'm doing my best to not jump at him. 

Then his hands creep up, slowly and gently. He's smiling slyly & I start to blush but pretend like there's nothing happening at all. Then HIS HANDS! GAHHHH. *ovaries explode* I look at him, flustered, pretending to be mad.


But the cute puppy pouts and blinks his eyes. *sigh* TOO CUUUUUUTTEEE! Just when he was about to do something stupid, I look at the clock. It's 1pm. Off to reality now. T_T

All those happened in the library. Well, you get the dream part, hopefully. I was so helpless, remembering that FANTASTIC dream drained me of my strength and just made me weaker and want to go home earlier and not attend my last class and continue where we left off.. GAHHH. Maybe we'll continue it TONIGHT. :rolleyes: :3

Well, Taemin and I are off to bed now so bb's gonna say goodnight now.

No wait srsly goodnight. :p

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