Monday 21 February 2011

MV Review - Super Junior M's Too Perfect/Perfection/太完美

I planned to post this something like 10 minutes after I've watched the MV, and look it's past 10 pm here. *slaps self* Sorry for the lazy me. T_T

I've waited for this MV ever since I found out that SJM was gonna do a comeback. I've heard rumors that KiBum would replace Hankyung. But apparently not. Figured that out when Avex (I think) released teaser photos of the album. But still, I definitely wasn't disappointed. Wow. Minnie and Hyukkie? Made me think a little. The only ones left are the hyungs who are soon off to military and Shindong. They left him out! WHYYYY?? lol Anyways, I'd rather talk about the MV first. :D
The many places those hands could reach.

As usual, Siwon looks awkward when he dances but, c'mon, who doesn't love adorkable manly dudes? I sure do. ;) Funny how almost all SJ mvs I know starts with Siwon. Love lovin' his awkwardness though, reminds me a lot of Minho. They're so long and gangly and LONG. :3 Even their hands are LONG. :> I noticed that Siwon's parts are kind of more autotuned than the others. And that he doesn't dance in most parts of the vid, just randomly pops out when it's his turn to sing again.
GAHH. So manly!
And there's evil maknae, loving all the attention he's getting. I read somewhere: TooPerfect by Cho KyuHyun feat. SJM lol Seriously, it's almost all about him, what with all his excessive screen time. And evil maknae, standing there lovin it like, OK BABY GIVE IT TO MEH. He's dancin' was sick! Almost totally overpowered Eunhyuk. Good thing Hyukkie got his semi-solo somewhere in the middle.
Ass-grab right there.
KYAAA. That mouth!

Eunhyuk was so hot, totally trying his best to grab my attention and something else from Kyu. Oh, I'm all eyes  and hands on you bb. Plus his rap is to die for. "LET ME IN." *ovaries cry*
You cutie pie *makes bb sounds*

Honestly, Henry looked like a lost boy with gender issues, especially on what he's wearing in the photo cap above. It's like he's wearing a sportsbra or something. But he did an effin' good job especially in the dance part with Hyuk and Hae. And his rapping skills are good too. 
Sowoneul malhaebwa~

Zhoumi, on the other hand, knew exactly what he is. LOL JK The thing is, he just looked so gay. I've got nothing against gay people or Zhoumi for that matter. It's just that, his part here really reminded me of many Kpop girl group dance steps. Like SNSD's Genie. It's not his fault he looks a gay here. And most of the time.
Sex face fail

I don't know why but I really didn't feel Donghae's presence in this vid. Like he's just passing by to let out his junk. Then *poof* he's gone. But no, he's still there, you just don't notice him, but he's there alright. Well, he's forgiven since he's given me such a face. Heaven.
Oh bb. Come to me~

I knew Sungmin was there, though. I FELT him. I just wished he had more screentime. C'mon, we have to show this adorable face a lot! GAHH. Minnie, how come I feel more like I'm wronging a kid when I think of you than when I think of Taemin. THAT FACE! GAAHHH. IN MAH BED NOW PLEASE!

Key, izzat yo?

And last but not the least is Wookie. GAHH he looked so hot and manly and i'm just like O^O YEAH YEAAAHHHH I WANT. He's working out totally paid off. I think he should get more singing parts though. Still, it is Kyu's song so.. :rolleyes:


And so the mv ended with a classic, turn around then look back front, just like the Super Girl mv. I wish the camera had zoomed in more though so we could see clearly their reactions, maybe as close as the camera got at then end of Super Girl.

Winter clothes on HOT men = Extra HEAT

PERFECTION, that's what it's all about. It's so perfect. No need for some crazy situation or scenario. Just a showcase of everyone's perfection is enough. They're just TOO PERFECT for words. So yeah, I honestly loved this MV. I didn't really notice that Hankyung was gone. Like, he was there before. Now, nada. Sure makes a whole lot of diff but this new SJM is just so LOVABLE. GAHHH. I was smiling ridiculously while watching this and *ovaries explode* all over the place. GAHHH. Good Lord, I think I need to sleep now to regain some strength lost from the wailing of my dear ovaries. *dies*

Hope to see another mv from the group. Hopefully another one that will make it to my UNF list. :3


  1. Ah! I love it! You took half of the words out of my mouth, especially about Zhoumi. I don't like him. I too, was saddened about the lack of Donghae's perfect face. Sad day! But Wookie was <3 and Kyu was like GOD WHY DO YOU SING LIKE A GOD AND DANCE LIKE A GOD AND LOOK LIKE A GOD. He owned.

  2. Zhoumi is ok. He has a nice singing voice too. It's just that, well he looks.. you know.. Siwon was barely there but he even more screentime than Hae and Min! Don't you just think that he looks like Key at that cap? :3
